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Project 52 - Week 43:Unusual
Unusual is the theme for week 43. And this one had my mind working overtime!
Project 52 - Week 41:High Contrast
Welcome to the world of high contrast. In this theme we have gone with high contrast colour and texture.
We're On The Move
One week left to go before we start our new adventure. Here's how things are tracking for us.
Project 52- Week 2: Black and White
Week two of the 52 Week Pet Photography Challenge. Black and White is the name of the game.
Are You Prepared? Survival Of The Fittest......
And by fit I'm not referring to bulging flexed muscles,or a Usain Bolt fast human. I'm referring to your survival fitness, the ability to...
Binkies All The Way
I wasn't sure where to start, so let me start by saying, this particular morning in October was a whole lot of awesomeness packed into...
Sapphire's Alternative Treatment Pt2
Sapphire's Alternative Treatment Pt2
When Good Paws Go Bad.
A note from my mum first Sapphire is a big part of Dark Sapphire photography- after all she is two thirds of that particular name. Its...
Sapphire's Alternative Treatment
Mah says I looked like a pincushion..
Dark Sapphire's Favourite Things
Bentley Dog and Co.        Bentley, a Black Russian Terrier is the inspiration behind this boutique online shop based in Christchurch.  Bent
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