We are back! I have to admit it felt a little odd not participating last week!
This weeks theme , Night, is another one of my own creations. Saffy and I are in the middle of packing up our lives and moving house. This, to be honest has not happened without its fair share of challenges this week which I wont go into. Needless to say, I'm feeling a little older and greyer than I was last week. As the clock clicks down T minus 14 days now I'm also starting to feel a tiny bit of excitement too, that fleeting feeling is soon overridden again by the nerves but there are some rays of sunshine to be had.
Sapphire for the most part is coping OK, having an open home was quite stressful for her- how do you tell a 12 year old hound dog that a bunch of random strangers are going to be traipsing though your house in a manor she understands?. Consequently after this open home earlier in the week she had a very restless night, and I had a very sleepless one.
I also STILL have the remnants of this awful virus I have been suffering from, I'm sure everyone around me must be completely sick of hearing me cough- I know I am. The good news- I've been told its only going to hang around another 6 weeks or so. LOL.
The idea for this image came about from a comment I made on my last blog- the "fort" idea played in the back of my mind. I decided to build on that, and created an image of night vs day. I started this one two weeks ago, alas I ran out of time to do much with it the week prior- so here we are this week!
Where the highs and lows (Day and Night) meet, and merge. The good the bad and the ugly of moving "castles" happens. Where open possibilities and new territories are waiting to be explored. A place where the sun and the moon compete for daylight hours(I know I certainly don't have enough daylight hours at the moment) "Hearts Hold- The House of Saffy"
I've tried everything on this blog to make this image bigger so you can see it, to no avail- so I have posted the full sized image on the Facebook post as well for anyone interested.
Again, stock images are all from Deviant Art and my own images (If anyone wants any of them let me know and I will post the links for you)