Project 52 - Week 39:Texture
This week Sapphire Marshall is a busy bee getting the last few bits and pieces organized for our move- which, FINALLY happens this weekend!
So, because of that, Saf takes a wee break and in this weeks blog we get to see more of Ella!
Ella is a Bernese Mountain Dog and I have been chomping at the bit to meet this little lady for some time. I got my wish a couple of weekends ago and the springtime weather put on a real show. Given, from what I hear we have had about 6 dry days in the entire month of September that was really sayin something!
This was a bit of an adventure for Ella, she had never been to these gardens before, there was plenty of new things to sniff, chew and paw at. There were also lots of unexplored paths and new people and doggies too!
Ella is a very young girl, celebrating her one year birthday not too long before we met. As a result everything Ella experienced there was touched with a youthful spring in her step and complete wonderment. You have got to love dogs... you really do.They bring new meaning to living in the moment.
I thought Ella would be a wonderful subject for this weeks theme as her fur has so much texture, the spring flowers add a touch more, and with a little gentle manipulation a very low opacity texture was placed over the top.
I have really enjoyed editing these images! She's such a beautiful dog.
In other news, assignment two came back last week after being marked and I got some great feedback! The assignment was on Canine Senses and Body Language. Naturally I used Sapphire as my subject which was interesting, I'm seeing her in an all new light since beginning this course. I have to say- shes quite a remarkable hound.